In 2009, an initial mobility concept dedicated to the Belval site served as the basis for the development of motorized individual transport, public transportation, and active mobility. Since then, other measures have been defined, including at the national level, which will have implications for the concept, including:
The construction of the cycle and pedestrian bridge between Belval and the city center of Esch-sur-Alzette, the longest cycle bridge in Europe, inaugurated on December 23, 2023.
The planned arrival in 2028 of the new high-speed tram on the Belval site, which will serve the City of Luxembourg and the southern region of the country.
The definition of a High-Level Service Corridor (CHNS) route for the bus that will pass through the Belval site and is expected to significantly contribute to the future public transportation network throughout the region.
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Initiative for a New Mobility Concept
Characteristics of the New Mobility Concept
Key Elements of the New Mobility
Initiative for a New Mobility Concept
As a result, on the initiative of the Department of Territorial Planning and in cooperation with all competent authorities at both the national and local levels, AGORA s.Ă .r.l. & Co. launched work in 2022 to develop a new mobility concept for the Belval site, drawing significant inspiration from the concepts developed as part of the international consultation.
Characteristics of the New Mobility Concept
The new concept thus defines a multimodal mobility strategy by combining train, tram, bus, individual car, and active mobility while, at the same time, providing a new approach to rethinking public spaces.
Key Elements of the New Mobility
The main elements of the new mobility concept can be summarized as follows:
- Creation of dedicated bus lanes.
- A coherent and comprehensive network of bike lanes.
- A reduction of nearly half of the lanes dedicated to individual cars.
- A decrease in the number of parking spaces through the establishment of mobility hubs.
- Soil de-sealing and increased green presence.
- Determination of locations for electric vehicle charging stations.
- Determination of locations for car-sharing systems.
- Identification of short and medium-term actions, such as pop-up bike lanes from 2023 or the redevelopment of public spaces from 2024.

Pour plus d’informations :
New Mobility Concept